AKC Herding began in 1986 and the purpose of the ABMC Herding Hall of Fame is to recognize dogs who have attained outstanding achievements in the sport of AKC Herding.
Herding Hall of Fame requirements:
To be inducted into the ABMC Herding Hall of Fame a dog must earn a herding championship (HC) from the American Kennel Club.
In addition:
1. The owner of the dog must be a member of the ABMC, or have been a member of ABMC during the time the dog was being exhibited.
2. Copies of the title certificates validating the dog’s achievements must be submitted.
3. A copy of the dog’s AKC registration papers must be submitted.
4. A photograph of the dog must be submitted.
After the HOF chair has approved the dog’s application, a Jotform for the dog must also be submitted.
Inductions into the Halls of Fame are made at the National Specialty occurring in the following calendar year of the year the application was submitted. The application, requested materials, and Jotform must all be received by December 31st in order for the dog to be inducted at the next National Specialty. There is no charge to submit an HOF application, and retroactive applications are accepted.
Herding Hall of Fame (dogs listed by date HC awarded, from oldest to most recent):
DC Klaar Trew Charisma ROM I Owner: Barbara Peach
DC Avonlea Queen Anne’s Lace CDX HS HI HX HXAs AX AXJ NAP NJP ROM I Owner: Jane Rothert
DC Roulets The Riviera Owners: Sue Haase & Sandy Moore
HC MACH Merson’s Fabled Wrigley Vines VCD2 UD RE HS HSAd HIAs HXAds MXB MJG NJP XF ROM II Owners: Jerry & Tina Fields
TC MACH4 Alouettes Dances With Turick RN HIAds HXAdsc HXBd MXB2 MJB2 MXF RATN ROM I Owner: Carolyn Kaiser
TC Tri Sorts Jamn Jumpn Jason K HSAs HSBs HIAs HXAs HXBs MX MXJ MXP3 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX XF ROM I HOF Owners: Chester and Kelly Backus
DC Merson’s Nigerian Nightmare CDX MX MXJ XF CGC ROM I Owners: Tina & Jerry Fields
TC MACH7 Turicks Ewe Bet HSAdsc HSBd HIAds HIBd HXAds HXBd MXG2 MJC2 MXF TQX ROM I HOF Owner: Carolyn Kaiser
HC Alouette’s Drop Dead Gorgeous HXAdsc HXBd Owner: Sara Michelin
HC Alouette’s Havahart HSAdsc HXAdsc Owner: Sara Michelin
DC Roulets The River Samber HSAsd HIAsd HXAsd Owner: Sue Hasse
HC Alouette’s Indian Princess CD HXAds HIAds HSAds NA NAJ NF Owner: Kristi DeLegge
GCH TC Turicks Black Jack MX MXJ NF ROM I HOF Owners: Lynne Wetherell & Carolyn Kaiser
TC Mersons Fabled Time Transfixed UDX MXF RE CGC ROM I Owners: Tina & Jerry Fields
HC Turicks Triple Dare HSAds HIAs HXAdsc HXBdsc Owner: Sara Michelin
GCHB DC Isell’s Itoby HSAds HIAds HXAds MX MXJ NF BCAT CGC ROM I Owners: Carolyn Kaiser & Heather Doucette
HC Nexxus to E du Dantero HSAsc HSBs HIAs HIBs HXAsM HXBsM Owner: Kadi Thingvall
DC Turicks The Skye’s The Limit HSADS HIADS HXADS MX AXJ OF CAA ROM I Owners: Jency Jordan & Carolyn Kaiser
BOSS GCHB TC Turicks Trifecta UDX2 OM3 RN TD HSAs HIAs HXAs BH ROM I HOF Owners: April & Andrew Albert
BISS GCH DC Turick Tyka Von Stahlrosenhof HSAds HSBds HIAds HIBs HXAds ROM I Owners: Sally Kamm, Tyron Meik & Carolyn Kaiser
DC De Vel J’Adore T’Bear HXAds AX AXJ OF BCAT ROM I Owners: Carolyn Kaiser, Heather Doucette & Laura Fahrenkamp
TC Stahlrosenhof’s Torrential River UDX2 OM3 ROM I HOF Owner: Anne Paul
GCH DC Turicks Starfire Of Tbear HSAds HIAds HXAds MX MXS MXJ MJB T2B ROM I Owner: Carolyn Kaiser
TC Turicks Rock’N The Rhythm HXAds MX MXB MXJ MJB ROM I Owner: Carolyn Kaiser
DC Element’s Night Watch at Turick HXAds CA CGCA CGCU TKI BCAT ROM I Owner: Carolyn Kaiser
HC Speak Softly At Obelisk HSAsc HSBc HIAs HIBc HXAdsc Owner: Sara Michelin
HC Turick’s Silver Alchemy HXAdsc MX MXJ NF Owner: Carolyn Kaiser
Hall of Fame
Conformation | Obedience | Tracking | Herding | Agility | Rally