Chair: Claudia Bailey
Dogs must earn points in at least three venues in order to be eligible for the Most Versatile Malinois Award.
- Conformation (Friday only )/Sweepstakes
- Herding (Sunday’s trials only)
- Obedience/Rally
Tracking/Scent Work – no events in this venue offered this year- Agility/Preferred Agility (Tuesday’s trial only)
Closing dates are Friday April 7 for Herding and Wednesday April 12 for the other venues.
Membership in the ABMC is not required. However, the dog being entered must be a Belgian Malinois.
The MVM point schedule appears below. Exhibitors may enter as many venues and classes within a venue as they wish, but only the single highest number of points earned within a venue is counted for that venue’s points. For example, in the II. Obedience/Rally venue, qualifying in Open in Obedience earns 4 points and qualifying in Master in Rally earns 5 points. The single highest number of points earned from this venue would be 5. Points are not added together within any one venue, only between the different venues.
To enter, submit the MVM Entry Form. If emailed/mailed to the chair, the deadline for receipt is Wednesday April 26, 2023. If submitted to the chair in person, the deadline or one hour before the first event.
Claudia Bailey
Chair, MVM Award
11700 Occoquan Oaks Lane,
Woodbridge, VA 22192
cell (703) 577-1697
The MVM Chair will track the results based on the Show/Trial Secretary’s results. The Most Versatile Malinois Award and Reserve Most Versatile Malinois Award will be presented at the Banquet on Friday, May 5. The winners of the awards need not be present.