Membership in the ABMC is not required. However, the dog being entered must be a Belgian Malinois.
A handler can enter a dog for the Most Versatile Award by downloading and filling out the the MVBMA form, including the venues and classes entered (the chair will complete the grayed-out armband number, results, and MVBMA points portion). The form can then be mailed to the address listed on the form or turned in at least one hour prior to handler’s first event at the specialty. The MVBMA committee chair, Mary Ellen Phillips, will track the results based on information from the Show/Trial Secretary and points for each dog entered will be posted daily. The winners will be announced on Saturday, May 14 , 2016 after the agility trial. The winners of the award need not be present to win. If the winners are not present, awards will be mailed.
Qualifications for Most Versatile Belgian Malinois Award:
Dogs must participate and earn points in at least three of the following five venues:
- Agility (Regular, FAST, T2B, or Preferred classes in Novice, Open or Excellent)
- Conformation (Regular and Sweepstakes)
- Obedience /Rally (Regular and Optional Titling classes only)
- Herding
- Tracking
Eligible entries at the 2016 National Specialty:
– Sunday, May 8 Herding trials and HT/PT tests (NOT the Monday, May 9 Herding trials and tests.)
– Tuesday, May 10 Tracking tests
– Thursday, May 12 Obedience and Rally trials (obedience & rally count as one venue, regular and optional titling classes only)
– Friday, May 13 National Specialty and Sweepstakes
– Saturday, May 14 Agility Trial in Regular, FAST, T2B, or Preferred classes in Novice, Open or Excellent (NOT the Sunday, May 15 Agility trial)
Note: Entries in Lure Coursing, the Regional Speciality, and Dock Diving are not eligible for the Most Versatile Belgian Malinois Award, and neither are entires in the Monday, May 9 Herding trials or the Sunday, May 15 Agility trial.
A dog may be entered in more than three venues. The single highest point value earned in each venue will be used in tabulating the points earned for that venue. Example: Dog A wins the Excellent A Regular Standard Agility class (5 points) and Double Q’s in Regular Standard and Regular JWW (7points). Dog A will be awarded 7 points not 12.
The dog with the highest combined total score for all venues will be awarded Most Versatile Belgian Malinois. In the event of a tie see “Tie Breaking Criteria” at the end of the points list. The Reserve Most Versatile Malinois will be awarded to the second place finisher.
Most Versatile Malinois will receive a rosette and prize with a value matching that of Best Of Breed.
Reserve Most Versatile Malinois will receive a rosette and prize with a value matching that of Best Of Opposite Sex.
All dogs that qualify in at least three venues will receive a rosette and a certificate honoring their achievement.
Listing of venue points:
Venue 1: Agility
Agility (Regular Classes)
2 points: Qualifying score in Novice
3 points: Qualifying score in Open or winning Novice Class (A or B)
4 points: Qualifying score in Excellent (A or B) or winning Open Class
5 points: Winning Excellent Class (A or B)
6 points: Double Q in any combination of Standard and JWW classes at any two levels (Nov & Open)
7 points: Double Q in Excellent A or B
Agility (Preferred Classes)
1 point: Qualifying score in Novice
2 points: Qualifying score in Open or winning Novice Class (A or B)
3 points: Qualifying score in Excellent (A or B) or winning Open Class
4 points: Winning Excellent Class (A or B)
5 points: Double Q in any combination of Standard and JWW classes at any two levels (Nov & Open)
6 points: Double Q in Excellent A or B
Agility FAST (Regular Classes)
2 points: Qualifying score in Novice
3 points: Qualifying score in Open or winning Novice Class (A or B)
4 points: Qualifying score in Excellent (A or B) or winning Open Class
5 points: Winning Excellent Class (A or B)
Agility FAST (Preferred Classes)
1 point: Qualifying score in Novice
2 points: Qualifying score in Open or winning Novice Class (A or B)
3 points: Qualifying score in Excellent (A or B) or winning Open Class
4 points: Winning Excellent Class (A or B)
Agility T2B (Time 2 Beat) (Regular Classes)
2 points: Qualifying score
4 points: Setting the best time to beat by a Malinois in a height division
Agility T2BP (Time 2 Beat) (Preferred Classes)
1 point: Qualifying score
3 points: Setting the best time to beat by a Malinois in a height division
Agility Triple Q Combinations
7 points: Triple Q in any combination of Standard, JWW, and FAST classes at any combination of levels (Novice, Open or Excellent)
8 points: Triple Q in any combination of Standard, JWW, and FAST in Excellent A or B classes
Agility Triple Q Combinations (Preferred Classes)
6 points: Triple Q in any combination of Standard, JWW, and FAST classes at any combination of levels (Novice, Open or Excellent)
7 points: Triple Q in any combination of Standard, JWW, and FAST in Excellent A or B classes
Agility High In Trial and High Combined
7 points: High In Trial
8 points: High Combined
Venue 2: Conformation/Sweepstakes
1 point: Place 1-4 in a class
2 points: Reserve Winners Dog or Bitch
3 points: Winners Dog/Winners Bitch
4 points: Best of Winners
5 points: Award of Merit
6 points: Selected Dog/Selected Bitch
7 points: Best Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
8 points: Best of Breed
Sweepstakes (Puppy, Veteran, Working)
1 point: Place 1-4 in a class
2 points: Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes
3 points: Best in Sweepstakes
Venue 3: Obedience/Rally
1 points: Qualifying score in Novice or Beginner Novice
2 points: Qualifying score in Graduate Novice
3 points: Qualifying score in Open, Graduate Open, or Winning Novice class (A or B)
4 points: Qualifying score in Utility, Versatility, or winning Open class (A or B)
5 points: Winning Utility class (A or B)
6 points: Qualifying in Open B and Utility A or B
7 points: High in Trial
8 points: High Combined
1 points: Qualifying score in Novice
2 points: Qualifying score in Advanced or First Place in Novice
3 points: Qualifying score in Excellent or First Place in Advanced
4 points: Qualifying in both Advanced and Excellent or First Place in Excellent
Venue 4: Herding
1 point: Qualifying in HT/PT
2 points: Qualifying Started (sheep, ducks, or cattle)
3 points: Qualifying in Intermediate (sheep, ducks, or cattle) or Winning Started class (sheep, ducks, or cattle)
4 points: Qualifying in Advanced (sheep, ducks, or cattle) or Winning Intermediate class (sheep, ducks, or cattle)
5 points: Winning Advanced class (sheep, ducks, or cattle)
6 points: Reserve High in Trial
7 points: High in Trial
8 points: High Combined
Venue 5: Tracking
4 points: Passing TD Tracking Test
5 points: Passing TDX Tracking Test
6 points: Passing VST Tracking Test
Tie-Breaking Criteria:
In the event of a tie, the winner will be the dog participating and earning points in the most number of venues. For example, in a tie, a dog that had earned points in all five venues would win over a dog that had earned points in only three venues. If a tie still exists, all point values earned in each venue would be combined and totaled for each dog with the highest total score being the winning dog. For example, a dog that had earned a High in Trial in Obedience by winning the Novice B class would count 7 points for High in Trial, plus 3 points for winning Novice B, plus 2 points for qualifying in Novice B. In the event the dogs were still tied after this tally, ABMC would recognize that an absolute tie occurred and dual awards would be given.