Catalog Ads

Calling all ABMC National catalog advertisers… off your dogs skills, show off your dogs looks, show off your talent, show off your breed. Submit your advertisement!

Pricing is $40/full page, $25/half page

A full page ad  is 4-1/2 wide x 7-1/2 high, and a half page ad is 4-1/2 wide by 3-1/2 high.

Deadline for submission is April 15, 2016

Color (new from April 3rd!) or B/W print-ready ads 5.5 x 8, 200 dpi or higher, and in .pdf, .jpg or .psd formats should be emailed  to Elizabeth Antos and purchased either in the online store or by sending a check made out to ABMC to Jane Rothert, ABMC Treasurer, 2705 Clifton Drive, Urbana, IL 61802-7621.