Update from Assistant NS Chair April Albert: the Malin-Toss pre-order period officially closed March 31. Bags may or may not be for sale at the national.
During a break in breed judging on Friday, May 13, numbered “bean-bags” will be tossed toward a target in an specified end zone of the specialty ring. The bag landing closest to the target will be the winner and the owner of that bag will be awarded CASH!
How can you participate? Starting January 6, 2016 bags are available to purchase – $5.00/bag or 5 bags for just $20.00 or perhaps try 25 bags for $100! The money collected will be split between the ABMC Specialty fund and the winner of the Malin-Toss. If 100 bags are sold, that’s a win of $250! If 200 are sold – $500.
Ready to play? Send your check payable to ABMC to:
April Misiewicz Albert, 201 Baldwin Circle, Winchester, VA 22603
April will assign the numbered bags and distribute them at National Speciality. Unable to attend? No problem, ask a friend to TOSS for you or let April find a strong arm with a steady aim. Bags may or may not be available at the National – so send your check today!