Last edit: May 6, 2016
Updates, changes, and/or additional details will appear here when known.
Unless otherwise specified, all events will be held at Body Renew Fitness and Family Sports Center, 221 Commonwealth Court, Winchester, VA 22602. (Locals still call this the “Sportsplex” which is less of a mouthful for sure!) This is an indoor venue, on turf.
Saturday May 7
- 8:00-9:00AM Roll Call and Check In, Test 1 9:15AM, Test 2 at the Conclusion of Test 1. Coursing Ability Tests (Chair Carol Shields) at Keepstone Farm, 412 Russell Road, Berryville, VA 22611. Run Order. Additional details on the Coursing page.
- 10:00AM Herding Fun Runs at Keepstone Farm, 412 Russell Road, Berryville, VA 22611. Additional details on the Herding page. Note: this is NOT part of the ABMC 2016 NS but a separate event at the herding venue open to all.
Sunday May 8
- 9:00AM & 9:15AM Belgians Only Herding Trials and Tests (Chair Jane Rothert, Judges Cynthia Knowlton and Darlene Laurin) at Keepstone Farm, 412 Russell Road, Berryville, VA 22611. Two Belgians only, Malinois preferred AKC trials (sheep-cattle-ducks). Most Versatile Malinois points from these two herding trials only. Judging Program. Additional details on the Herding page.
Monday May 9
- 6:30AM & 7:45AM All-Breed Herding Trials and Tests(Chair Jane Rothert, Judges Cynthia Knowlton and Darlene Laurin) at Keepstone Farm, 412 Russell Road, Berryville, VA 22611. Two all-breed, Malinois preferred trials (sheep-cattle-ducks). Judging Program. Additional details on the Herding page.
- Tracking Plotting
Tuesday May 10
- 7:45AM TD draw & 9:30AM TDX draw Tracking (Chair Nina Schlack, Judges Sue Ammerman and Gretchen Stephenson) at Thomfield Farms, 1144 Reynolds Road, Cross Junction, VA. All-breed, Malinois preferred. Judging Schedule. Additional details on the Tracking page. Most Versatile Malinois points.
- 9:00AM-1:00PM (Novice/Open) and 1:30PM-5:30PM (Excellent/Masters) Agility Seminars offered by Claudia Bates. Additional details on the Agility page. All-breed, Malinois preferred.
Wednesday May 11
- 6:00AM Building Access at Body Renew Fitness and Family Sports Center (aka Sportplex).
- 9:00AM 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy Competition ; 9:20AM Regional Specialty and Junior Showmanship (Chair Julie Fiechter, Judges Kenneth Rayner, regional, Jacqueline M. Rayner 4-6 puppy). Judging Program. Additional details on the Conformation page.
- 1:00PM (Approx – One Hour After Judging Ends) Obedience Rent-a-Ring. Additional details on the Obedience and Rally page.
- 5:00PM-7:00PM (Tentative Time) Welcome Reception & Rescue/Honor Parade
Thursday, May 12
- 8:00AM Obedience and 10:15AM Rally (Co-Chairs Andrew Albert and Allison Gil, Judges Rose & Harold Doan). Judging Program. These are Malinois-only trials, with two rings running simultaneously. Most Versatile Malinois points. Additional details on the Obedience and Rally page.
- 1:00PM -6:00PM NADD Dock Diving Try-Its (& Private Lessons) Additional details on the Dock Diving page.
- 6:00PM Annual Meeting
Friday May 13
- 9:00AM Sweepstakes, 11:30AM 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy Competition, Junior Showmanship and National Specialty and somewhere in there Malin-Toss (Chair Julie Fiechter, Judges Susie Williamson, national specialty & 4-6 puppy and Judy Hagen, sweepstakes). Most Versatile Malinois points. Judging Program. Additional details on the Conformation page.
- 9:00AM-6:00PM NADD Dock Diving Additional details on the Dock Diving page.
- 6:00PM Banquet “Happy Hour” and 7:00PM Banquet (Chair Jody McLellan). Cheese, crackers and vegetable trays served beforehand during the official “happy hour” – cash bar with beer and wine available throughout dinner. The theme is “They also serve” honoring canine handlers (current and retired), wounded warriors and their Malinois.
Saturday May 14
- 7:40AM Agility (Chair Lynne Wetherell, On-Site Chair Mary Penn-Soranno, Judge Daniel McDonald). All-breed, Malinois preferred (one week from opening). Judging Program. Additional details on the Agility page. Most Versatile Belgian Malinois points in agility are from this trial only.
- 9:00AM-6:00PM NADD Dock Diving Additional details on the Dock Diving page.
Sunday May 15
- 7:40AM Agility (Chair Lynne Wetherell, On-Site Chair Mary Penn-Soranno, Judge Daniel McDonald. All-breed, Malinois preferred (one week from opening). Judging Program. Additional details on the Agility page.
- 9:00AM-4:00PM NADD Dock Diving Additional details on the Dock Diving page.