Premiums, Entry Forms and More

Agility – entry form in premium. Opens March 1, closes April 16. See premium for PayPal payment and email entry info. First received, Malinois preferred.
ConformationObedience and Rally premium  (online entries). Open now, closes April 16.
Herding – premium (“online” entries). Opens March 1 (Malinois preferred until March 31st for all-breed trials and tests), closes April 16.
Tracking – entry form in premium. Open now, closes April 17.
Most Versatile Malinois. Open now, closes April 23 by email/snail mail, or in person 1 hour before dog’s first MVM event.

Fast CAT  – premium and link to online entry. Opens February 1, closes April 29. (Gate entries/fun runs may be available depending on weather, temperature, and staff/volunteer availability.)
NADD Dock Diving – link to entry form. Opens February 18, closes April 29. (Try-it’s as space permits.)
BHA Barn Hunt premium and link to online entry. Opens March 3 (Malinois and Kerry Blue Terriers preferred to March 16), closes April 23. (If limits not met by closing, late entries will be accepted until April 29. No day-of-show entries will be accepted.)

Honor and Rescue Parades – see p.9 in premium, use this .pdf form, or purchase in the Store. Receipt by March 15 (note earlier deadline than in premium per announcement made February 21).
Banquet & Welcome Reception reservations – purchase in the Store by April 20.

Catalog Ads – deadline for payment and receipt of ad is March 30 (note revised format specifications than in premium per announcement as of March 3).
Merchandise – order deadline is March 31
Catalogs (Unmarked and Marked) – order deadline is April 10.
Reserved Grooming – see p. 7 & 8 in premium , use this .pdf form, or purchase in the Store. Receipt by April 16.